From the desk of Robert Force:
Four young Jefferson Extension workers, including Kris Raikes here at the NOPLC, are going out this weekend with a new look in the form of a youth forum for jobs and sustainability called the Rhody Revolution.
In a series of brainstorming sessions with myself, Kris, and the the founders of the "revolution"-- Shelby Smith and Kai Wallin-- the concept for the name was born, building on recognition for the local Rhododendron Festival which regularly attracts 20,000 people back home to Jefferson County.
Their idea is to promote online forums about what it would take to get youth to move back to the area. Kris helped set up interlocking web pages with access to popular youth sites such as MySpace, FaceBook and Twitter.
The LC dot.commed the name for them to get them started. Assembling the parts of the promotion in less than 72 hours-- and with the festival just a day away-- the movement now has a website, stickers to hand out at the parade that say "Join the Rhody Revolution", and a coordinated look for volunteers handing out information.
Give it a look at
As a personal note, having taught three of the organizers during some phase of their High School experiences, it is wonderful to have this circle come 'round full.
The local newspaper carried an article on the movement today as well as a ran a full-color picture of the organizers.
(link to original article online)
The project is supported and funded by JeffExt and their economic development group, Team Jefferson.
Good luck all-- and welcome home!