Image courtesy of Libby Palmer - click to enlargeLibby Palmer, Co-founder of the Port Townsend Marine Science Center located in the Fort Worden State Park, recently had need of a way to get instructional footage from her DV camera to a medium that could be viewed by others. After Libby received a short orientation in the use of our JVC SR-MV30 DVD Recorder, she was able to transfer her video tapes to DVD's. She's a fast study and did all of the work herself. The footage will likely be made available on the web in the near future.
PT Marine Science Center links of note:
- Orcasound Hydrophone Network (tracking of Orca whales through underwater sound)
- Direct link to PT MSC's live hydrophone streaming audio webcast (hear what whales hear)
- PT MSC in Education (an illuminating article by FOSSweb)